Monday, March 23, 2009

randomness part 3 (COMBINED JOURNAL ENTRIES 1-3)


Today the main thing I could think about was the reason I came across the word SACRIFICE. Was this a coincidence or is someone trying to tell me something. The reason being is I know I can be selfish at times and its something that I really have wanted to work on. So my idea for today is that I want to sacrifice at least one thing everyday for the rest of this trip. Who knows I might put this into practice everyday. Let's just see how it goes.


Im just pondering more upon my idea from yesterday and thinking how I could expand upon this sacrificing idea. I was thinking about how I can spread my idea to others so today I will ask my family that is here to see if they can sacrifice at least one thing each day.


When I got up to brush my teeth this morning I saw my word again. SACRIFICE. All of a sudden my mind jumped to thinking about Jesus and how he made the greatest sacrifice of all. Then the perfect idea hit me. I thought why not create a web site that would encourage people to sacrifice each day. They could log into it and create journal entries or blogs just as we are doing in this class. The blogs would tell what they sacrificed during the day or they could do it by week. Everyone would be able to view each others' entries. If nothing else maybe this site would serve to stir up the humanity in us as people and remind people of the great feeling that comes from sacrificing something for someone else. Best of all I would name the web site THE GREATEST SACRIFICE. Awww... the revelation!

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