Monday, February 9, 2009


For this assignment I chose to go without my hearing since I feel it is one of my most important senses. This is because my career and the majority of things I love to do is heavily based on my hearing. I want to become a record producer or video editor/sound designer. These fields are what I based my whole college career around and what I do on a daily basis. So if I were to loose my hearing it would be have a traumatic affect on me.

Well I couldn't really get the full effect of this experiment because it was hard to completely block out sound but I was able to greatly reduce it. What I did is buy some ear plugs. Then I stuffed some tissue in my ears and then put in the ear plugs. I then went about my daily routines. I tried to mix some music that I have recorded and of course that was impossible. I then tried to watch some TV and it was very difficult. I had to turn it up extremely loud just to hear it at all which bothered everyone else so that didn't work.

On top of that having a conversation with someone is impossible. I had to try to read lips or ask the person to speak louder than normal just to hear them. After a couple hours I couldn't take it any more and came to the conclusion that I would never want to live without my hearing.

The sense I chose to invent is called headbuttervision. This is where you go around and headbutt something to get a sense of what it is. By headbutting something you are able to send a signal to your brain that gives a description of what that item is. This would replace sight if we were not able to see.

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