Monday, April 27, 2009

New Media Scavenger Hunt

New Media is best defined as the use of newer (digital) technology used for communication as opposed to older technology such as print and T'V. We are in a generation that is computer and technology driven. Digital Media is used for everything by this younger generation and even the older generations are getting hip to what's going on. There are five excellent uses of New Media that I can think. They are as follows:
1. The use of online portfolios and resumes as opposed to printed material
2. Websites for companies is a necessity even to the point where I wouldn't take a company seriously if they don't have a website!
3. The use of online social networking sites such as myspace, facebook, and now twitter.
4. The use of online music sites that promote artists such as myspace, vh1 and rhapsody.
5. The use of social online networks to promote the presidential election!

The biggest one of all five has to be the use of social networks to promote this year's presidential election. Barack Obama is shown to be one smart ass man to recognize what is relevent in today's generation. He took advantage of the social networks that have become the blood line for today's youth. He used myspace as well as face book to promote his campaign and even had the creator of face book come on board with him to manage his promotion through face book. Wow! Barack was able to gain huge support from his young generation as well as older generation through the use of these medias. I am able to use what I've learned by recognizing that if I want my final to be relevent to the people of today's generation it better use these newer medias!

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